Pär Arvidsson

Showing 8 publications


Manifest superconformal covariance in six-dimensional (2,0) theory

Pär Arvidsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 03, p. 076-
Journal article

Superconformal Theories in Six Dimensions

Pär Arvidsson
Doctoral thesis

Superconformal symmetry in the interacting theory of (2,0) tensor multiplets and self-dual strings

Pär Arvidsson
Journal of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 47, p. 042301-
Journal article

The (2,0) supersymmetric theory of tensor multiplets and self-dual strings in six dimensions

Pär Arvidsson, Erik Flink, Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP). Vol. 05, p. 048-
Journal article

Six-dimensional theories with (2,0) supersymmetry

Pär Arvidsson
Licentiate thesis

Supersymmetric coupling of a self-dual string to a (2,0) tensor multiplet background

Pär Arvidsson, Erik Flink, Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP). Vol. 11, p. 015-
Journal article

Free tensor multiplets and strings in spontaneously broken six-dimensional (2,0) theory

Pär Arvidsson, Erik Flink, Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP). Vol. 06, p. 039-
Journal article

Thomson scattering of chiral tensors and scalars against a self-dual string

Pär Arvidsson, Erik Flink, Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP). Vol. 12, p. 010-
Journal article

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