Peter Thormählen
Showing 40 publications
Catalytic Oxidation of CO over Ordered Mesoporous Platinum
Differences in catalytic properties between mesoporous and nanoparticulate platinum
Oxidation of CO over Pt/Al2O3 catalysts - A transient in-situ FTIR and XANES study
CO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 - A transient in-situ FTIR and XANES study
CO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 - A transient in-situ FTIR and XANES study
A transient in situ FTIR and XANES study of CO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 catalysts
Screening of TiO2-supported catalysts for selective NOx reduction with ammonia
High throughput screening of TiO2 supported catalysts for selective NOx reduction with NH3
High throughput screening for environmental catalysis development
Enhanced low-temperature catalytic activity due to transient gas composition changes
On the Catalytic Activity of Co3O4 in Low-Temperature CO Oxidation
High throughput screening for catalyst development
Induced low-temperature catalytic ignition by transient changes in the gas composition
Improved low-temperature catalytic activity by transient changes in the gas composition
A mechanistic study of low temperature CO oxidation over cobalt oxide
Periodic control for improved low-temperature catalytic activity
A mechanistic study of low-temperature CO oxidation over cobalt oxide
Periodic control for improved low-temperature ignition
Periodic control for low-temperature ignition
Simulations of the kinetics of rapid reactions on supported catalyst particles
Low temperature CO oxidation over platinum and cobalt oxide catalysts
Low temperature CO oxidation on supported platinum and cobalt catalysts
Periodic gas composition control for low temperature catalytic ignition
Low temperature CO oxidation on supported platinum and cobalt oxide catalysts
Light-off performance over cobalt oxide- and ceria-promoted platinum and palladium catalysts
Catalytic oxidation of CO in cold start emissions
Light-off performance over cobalt oxide- and ceria-promoted platinum and palladium catalysts
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