Henrik Petersson

Showing 11 publications


Schauder decompositions and functional calculus

Henrik Petersson
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Vol. 347 (2), p. 550-562
Journal article

Hypercyclicity on invariant subspaces

Henrik Petersson
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society. Vol. 45 (4), p. 903-921
Journal article

Hypercyclicity in Omega

Henrik Petersson
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 135 (4), p. 1145-1149
Journal article

Hypercyclic conjugate operators

Henrik Petersson
Integral Equations and Operator Theory. Vol. 57 (3), p. 413-423
Journal article

A Hypercyclicity Criterion with Applications

Henrik Petersson
J. Math. Anal. Appl.. Vol. 327, p. 1431-1443
Journal article

Complemented hypercyclic subspaces

Henrik Petersson
Houston Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 33 (2), p. 541-553
Journal article

Hypercyclic sequences of PDE-preserving operators

Henrik Petersson
J. Approx. Theory. Vol. 138 (2), p. 168-183
Journal article

Supercyclic and Hypercyclic non-convolution operators

Henrik Petersson
J. Operator Theory. Vol. 55 (1), p. 135-151
Journal article

Spaces that admit hypercyclic operators with hypercyclic adjoints

Henrik Petersson
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. Vol. 134, p. 1671-1676
Journal article

Hypercyclic subspaces for Frechet space operators

Henrik Petersson
J. Math. Anal. Appl.. Vol. 139 (2), p. 764-782
Journal article

PDE-preserving properties

Henrik Petersson
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society. Vol. 42 (3), p. 573-597
Journal article

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