Petty Bernitt Cartemo

Showing 14 publications


Developments in Core-Barrel Motion Monitoring and Applications to the Ringhals PWR Units

Imre Pazsit, C. Montalvo, H. Nylen et al
Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 182 (2), p. 213-227
Journal article

Comparison of computational phantoms and investigation of the effect of biodistribution on activity estimations

Petty Bernitt Cartemo, Jenny Nilsson, Mats Isaksson et al
Radiation Protection Dosimetry. Vol. 171 (3), p. 358-364
Journal article

Characterization of strong 241Am sources

Anna Vesterlund, Dina Chernikova, Petty Bernitt Cartemo et al
Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. 99, p. 162-167
Journal article

Characterization of strong 241Am sources

Anna Vesterlund, Dina Chernikova, Petty Bernitt Cartemo et al
International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Forensics: Countering the Evolving Threat of Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material out of Regulatory Control, Vienna, IAEA; 07/2014
Paper in proceeding

Building a generic voxel phantom ofIRINA for Monte Carlo simulations

Petty Bernitt Cartemo, Jenny Nilsson, Anders Nordlund et al

Depth Profiling with the Chalmers Pulsed Positron Beam

Petty Bernitt Cartemo, Anders Nordlund
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology. Vol. 8 (2), p. 105 - 116
Journal article

Sensitivity of the neutronic design of an Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) to the anisotropy of yield of the neutron generator and variation of nuclear data libraries

Petty Bernitt Cartemo, Anders Nordlund, Dina Chernikova
Proceeding of ESARDA meeting 2013
Paper in proceeding

Testing a direct method for evaluating the concentration of boron in a fuel pool using scintillation detectors, and a 252Cf and an 241Am-Be source

Dina Chernikova, Kåre Axell, Imre Pazsit et al
Proceeding of ESARDA meeting 2013
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of the radiation hardness of GaAs sensors in an electron beam

K.G. Afanaciev, M. Bergholz, Petty Bernitt Cartemo et al
Journal of Instrumentation. Vol. 7 (11)
Journal article

Investigation of Nuclear Materials with Positron Measurements

Petty Bernitt Cartemo
Licentiate thesis

Diagnostics of core barrel and fuel assembly vibrations in the Swedish Ringhals PWRs

Imre Pazsit, C. Montalvo-Martín, Augusto Hernandéz Solís et al
7th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human-Machine Interface Technologies 2010, NPIC and HMIT 2010, Las Vegas, NV; 7 November 2010 through 11 November 2010. Vol. 2, p. 833-844
Paper in proceeding

Measurements of Positron Penetration Depth at Low Energies with a Pulsed Beam

Petty Bernitt Cartemo
IYNC 2010 proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Final Report on the Research Project Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Stage 12

Imre Pazsit, Christophe Demaziere, Carl Sunde et al

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