Pim Polesie

Showing 9 publications


The view of freedom and standardisation among managers in Swedish construction contractor projects

Pim Polesie
International Journal of Project Management. Vol. 31 (2), p. 299-306
Journal article

Reducing the use of resources in medium-sized Swedish construction enterprises: production managers’ views

Pim Polesie
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 30 (3), p. 193-202
Journal article

What do managers mean by saying "I appreciate the freedom on site"

Pim Polesie, Mikael Frödell, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of CIB 2010 World Congress
Paper in proceeding

Lean construction philosophy and individual freedom

Pim Polesie
Proceedings for the 18th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction. Haifa, 14-16 July 2010, p. 376-385
Paper in proceeding

Understanding resources waste reduction priorities in Swedish construction

Per-Erik Josephson, Pim Polesie, Mikael Frödell
Proceedings of CIB Joint International Symposium 2009: Construction Facing Worldwide Challenges, 27-30 Sep 2009, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Paper in proceeding

Exploring the Complexity of Productivity in Construction

Pim Polesie, Markus Felderhoff
5th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organsiation, p. 61-70
Paper in proceeding

Implementing standardisation in medium-sized construction Firms: facilitating site managers’ feeling of freedom through bottom-up approach

Pim Polesie, Mikael Frödell, Per-Erik Josephson
17th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC17; Taipei; Taiwan; 13 July 2009 through 19 July 2009, p. 317-326
Paper in proceeding

Cost inefficiencies in construction

Markus Felderhoff, Pim Polesie
5th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, p. 51-60
Paper in proceeding

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