Polina Naidjonoka

Showing 5 publications


Structural changes and cellulose ultrastructure mapped with electron microscopy and SAXS after enzymatic hydrolysis of mildly steam pretreated Norway spruce

Maria Eugenia Fortes Brollo, Fabio Caputo, Polina Naidjonoka et al
Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. Vol. 18 (1)
Journal article

Phase-separated polymer blends for controlled drug delivery by tuning morphology

Martina Olsson, Robin Storm, Linnea Björn et al
Communications Materials. Vol. 5 (1)
Journal article

Understanding the impact of steam pretreatment severity on cellulose ultrastructure, recalcitrance, and hydrolyzability of Norway spruce

Fabio Caputo, Basel Al-Rudainy, Polina Naidjonoka et al
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. Vol. 14 (21), p. 27211-27223
Journal article

Investigating the role of AA9 LPMOs in enzymatic hydrolysis of differentially steam-pretreated spruce

Fabio Caputo, Monika Tõlgo, Polina Naidjonoka et al
Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. Vol. 16 (1)
Journal article

Structure of Filter Cakes during the Electroassisted Filtration of Microfibrillated Cellulose

Anna Lidén, Polina Naidjonoka, Nabin Kumar Karna et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 61 (43), p. 16247-16256
Journal article

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