Natalie Williams Portal

Showing 15 publications


Analysis of tensile behavior of recycled aggregate concrete using acoustic emission technique

Natalie Williams Portal, Mathias Flansbjer, Diego Carró‐lopez et al
RILEM Technical Letters. Vol. 5, p. 131-140
Journal article

Flexural Behaviour of Textile Reinforced Concrete Composites: Experimental and Numerical Evaluation

Natalie Williams Portal, Karin Lundgren, Lars Nyholm Thrane
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions. Vol. 50 (1), p. 1-14
Journal article

Bending behaviour of novel Textile Reinforced Concrete-foamed concrete (TRC-FC) sandwich elements

Natalie Williams Portal, Mathias Flansbjer, Kamyab Zandi et al
Composite Structures. Vol. 177, p. 104-118
Journal article

Tensile behaviour of textile reinforcement under accelerated ageing conditions

Natalie Williams Portal, Mathias Flansbjer, Pär Johannesson et al
Journal of Building Engineering. Vol. 5 (5), p. 57-66
Journal article

GFRP connectors in textile reinforced concrete sandwich elements

Natalie Williams Portal, Kamyab Zandi, Katarina Malaga et al
IABSE Congress Stockholm, 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment, p. 1331-1338
Paper in proceeding

Sustainable Potential of Textile-Reinforced Concrete

Natalie Williams Portal, Karin Lundgren, Holger Wallbaum et al
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol. 27 (7)
Journal article

Evaluation of Pull-out Behaviour in Textile Reinforced Concrete

Natalie Williams Portal, Karin Lundgren, Katarina Malaga
10th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, p. 97-102
Paper in proceeding

Sustainability of Reinforcement Alternatives for Concrete

Natalie Williams Portal, Rosina Lohmeyer, Holger Wallbaum
Proceedings of the Concrete Innovation Conference 2014 – CIC 2014
Paper in proceeding

Pull-out of textile reinforcement in concrete

Natalie Williams Portal, Ignasi Fernandez, L. N. Thrane et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 71, p. 63-71
Journal article

The multiphysics modeling of heat and moisture induced stress and strain of historic building materials and artefacts

Natalie Williams Portal, A. W. M. van Schijndel, Angela Sasic Kalagasidis
Building Simulation. Vol. 7 (3), p. 217-227
Journal article

Sustainability and Flexural Behaviour of Textile Reinforced Concrete

Natalie Williams Portal
Licentiate thesis

Numerical Modelling of Textile Reinforced Concrete

Natalie Williams Portal, Karin Lundgren, Ane Mette Walter et al
Proceedings of VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, p. 886-897
Paper in proceeding

Formbarare betong med ny armering

David Fall, Natalie Williams Portal, Karin Lundgren
Betong (5), p. 46-48
Magazine article

Simulation of heat and moisture induced stress and strain of historic building materials

Natalie Williams Portal, Angela Sasic Kalagasidis, Van Schijndel A.W.M.
12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association Building Simulation 2011, BS 2011; Sydney, NSW; Australia; 14 November 2011 through 16 November 2011, p. 24-31
Paper in proceeding

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