Maria Prager

Showing 19 publications


Universitetsrankning: Rapport 2014

David Minguillo Brehaut, Maria Prager, Susanne Hansson


Lars Kullman, Maria Prager

A novel method for screening a vertebrate transcriptome for genes involved in carotenoid binding and metabolism

M. A. Pointer, Maria Prager, Staffan Andersson et al
Molecular Ecology Resources. Vol. 12 (1), p. 149-159
Journal article

Convergent evolution of red carotenoid coloration in widowbirds and bishops (Euplectes spp.)

Maria Prager, Staffan Andersson
Evolution international journal of organic evolution. Vol. 64 (12), p. 3609-3619
Journal article

Differential ability of carotenoid C4-oxygenation in yellow and red bishop species (Euplectes spp.)

Maria Prager, Anette Johansson, Staffan Andersson
Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. Vol. 154, p. 373-380
Journal article

Phylogeny and evolution of sexually selected tail ornamentation in widowbirds and bishops (Euplectes spp.)

Maria Prager, Staffan Andersson
J Evol Biol. Vol. 22, p. 2068-2076
Journal article

Carotenoid pigments and metabolism in yellow and red breeding plumages of African bishops (Euplectes spp.)

Staffan Andersson, Maria Prager
12th Pan-African Ornithological Congress, Rawsonville, South Africa, 7-12 September 2008
Paper in proceeding

Sex and age differences in reflectance and biochemistry of carotenoid-based colour variation in the great tit Parus major

Caroline Isaksson, Jonas Örnborg, Maria Prager et al
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Vol. 95 (4), p. 758-765
Journal article

Evolution of sexually selected carotenoid coloration in widowbirds and bishops (Euplectes spp.)

Maria Prager, Staffan Andersson
12th Pan-African Ornithological Congress, Rawsonville, South Africa, 7-12 September 2008
Paper in proceeding

A molecular phylogeny of the African widowbirds and bishops, Euplectes spp. (Aves: Passeridae: Ploceinae)

Maria Prager, Anette Johansson, Staffan Andersson
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Vol. 46 (1), p. 290-302
Journal article

Evolution of sexually selected carotenoid coloration in widowbirds and bishops (Euplectes spp.)

Maria Prager, Staffan Andersson
12th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Cornell University, USA, 10-14 August
Conference poster

Rate of plumage pattern divergence among widowbirds and bishops (Euplectes) in relation to genetic distance and overlap in geographic range

Allen Spaulding, Maria Prager, Staffan Andersson
12th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, 10-14 August 2008
Conference poster

Carotenoid content and reflectance of yellow and red nuptial plumages in widowbirds (Euplectes spp.)

Staffan Andersson, Maria Prager, Anette Johansson
Functional Ecology. Vol. 21 (2), p. 272-281
Journal article

Evolution and mechanisms of red carotenoid coloration in bishops and widowbirds

Maria Prager, Anette Johansson, Staffan Andersson
14th International Symposium on Carotenoids, Edinburgh, UK, 17-22 July 2005
Conference poster

Molecular phylogeny and evolution of tail ornamentation in the African Widowbirds and Bishops

Maria Prager, Staffan Andersson
J Ornithol. Vol. 147, p. 233-233
Conference poster

Quantifying Colors

Staffan Andersson, Maria Prager
Bird Coloration, Vol. 1: Mechanisms and measurements (Hill GE & McGraw KJ, eds), p. 41-89
Book chapter

Phylogeny, sexual selection and constraints on carotenoid coloration and ornamental plumage diversity in widowbirds and bishops

Staffan Andersson, Maria Prager
J Ornithol. Vol. 147, p. 62-62.
Paper in proceeding

Direction, divergence and trade-off's in the phylogeny of carotenoid colour signals and elongated tails in widowbirds and bishops (Euplectes spp.)

Staffan Andersson, Maria Prager, Anette Johansson
10th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 10-15 July
Conference poster

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