Peter Sandin
Showing 20 publications
On the photostability of scytonemin, analogues thereof and their monomeric counterparts
Thermodynamic Aspects of DNA Nanoconstruct Stability and Design
Highly efficient incorporation of the fluorescent nucleotide analogs tC and tC(O) by Klenow fragment
Nucleic acid structure and sequence probing using fluorescent base analogue tCo
Self-assembled DNA photonic wire
Self-Assembled DNA Photonic Wire for Long-Range Energy Transfer
Fluorescence Probing of DNA Structures in Biology and Nanotechnology
Addressable molecular node assembly - high information density DNA nanostructures
Characterization and use of tricyclic fluorescent nucleic acid base analogues
Conformational dynamics of DNA polymerase probed with a novel fluorescent DNA base analogue
Addressable high-information-density DNA nanostructures
Triplex addressability as a basis for functional DNA nanostructures
Photophysical Characterization of Fluorescent DNA Base Analogue, tC
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