Mattias Rahm

Showing 14 publications


Optical sectioning for measurements in transient sprays

Mattias Rahm, Zachary Falgout, David Sedarsky et al
Optics Express. Vol. 24 (5), p. 4610-4621
Journal article

Visualization of acceleration in multiphase fluid interactions

David Sedarsky, Mattias Rahm, Mark Linne
Optics Letters. Vol. 41 (7), p. 1404-1407
Journal article

Gas/Fuel Jet Interfaces Under High Pressures and Temperatures

Zachary Falgout, Mattias Rahm, David Sedarsky et al
Fuel. Vol. 168, p. 14-21
Journal article

Evaluation of optical arrangements for ballistic imaging in sprays

Mattias Rahm, David Sedarsky, Megan Paciaroni et al
Optics Express. Vol. 23 (17), p. 22444-22462
Journal article

Dynamic Ballistic Imaging: A technique to measure acceleration in the spray formation region

Mattias Rahm, Zachary Falgout, David Sedarsky et al
ILASS Americas, May 17-20 2015, Raleigh NC, USA
Paper in proceeding

Evidence for supercritical mixing layers in the ECN Spray A

Zachary Falgout, Mattias Rahm, Z. K. Wang et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 35 (2), p. 1579-1586
Journal article

Transcritical Mixing Layers at ECN Spray A Conditions

Zachary Falgout, Mattias Rahm, David Sedarsky et al
ILASS – Europe 2014, 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Evidence for Supercritical Regions of the ECN Spray A

Zachary Falgout, Mattias Rahm, Zhenkan Wang et al
Proceedings of the 35th International Combustion Symposium
Paper in proceeding

Optical Arrangements for Time-Gated Ballistic Imaging

Mattias Rahm, Megan Paciaroni, Zhenkan Wang et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Visualization of low-level swirl effects in fuel injection sprays

David Sedarsky, Mattias Rahm, Zachary Falgout et al
ILASS – Europe 2014, 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Correlation of Internal Flow and Spray Breakup for a Fuel Injector Used in Ship Engines

Mark Linne, Mattias Rahm, Zachary Falgout et al
8th US National Combustion Meeting. Vol. 2, p. 1150-1157
Paper in proceeding

Ship-Engine Diesel Spray Breakup at Pressure

Zachary Falgout, Mattias Rahm, Zhenkan Wang et al
25th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

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