Josef Rizell
In September 2020 I joined Professor Aleksandar Matic’s group as a PhD student. I obtained by Master’s degree in Applied Physics from Chalmers after conducting my thesis work on Honeycomb Layered Oxides at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science (AIST, Osaka, Japan) under the supervision of Dr. Titus Masese and Professor Yasmine Sassa.
Currently, my research focuses on the stabilization of metal (mostly Li and K) anodes in next generation batteries. We investigate both the interface between metal and electrolyte, the morphology of electrodeposited metal and the nucleation process.

Showing 13 publications
Electrochemical Signatures of Potassium Plating and Stripping
Ionic Liquids as Cathode Additives for High Voltage Lithium Batteries
Honeycomb-Layered Oxides With Silver Atom Bilayers and Emergence of Non-Abelian SU(2) Interactions
Toward Operando Characterization of Interphases in Batteries
High-Energy and Long-Lifespan Potassium–Sulfur Batteries Enabled by Concentrated Electrolyte
Honeycomb layered oxides: Structure, energy storage, transport, topology and relevant insights
Unveiling structural disorders in honeycomb layered oxide: Na2Ni2TeO6
High-voltage honeycomb layered oxide positive electrodes for rechargeable sodium batteries
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