Jonas Roth Sjöblom

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Showing 11 publications


Sociomaterial practices in engineering work: the backtalk of materials and the tinkering of resources

Alexander Styhre, Leena Wikmalm, Susanne Ollila et al
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology. Vol. 10 (2), p. 151-167
Journal article

Expert or speaking partner?: shifting roles and identities in consulting work

Alexander Styhre, Susanne Ollila, Leena Wikmalm et al
Leadership and Organizational Development Journal. Vol. 31 (2), p. 159-175
Journal article

Caught in the strange loop: peer-to-peer positioning in a consulting firm

Leena Wikmalm, Susanne Ollila, Alexander Styhre et al
EGOS in Barcelona, Spain
Paper in proceeding

Positioning within discourses – the construction of identities in knowledge sharing

Leena Wikmalm, Susanne Ollila, Alexander Styhre et al
EURAM in Liverpool, UK
Paper in proceeding

Garbage-can decision making and the accommodation of uncertainty in the drug development work

Alexander Styhre, Leena Wikmalm, Susanne Ollila et al
Creativity and Innovation Management. Vol. 19 (2), p. 134-146
Journal article

Heedful interrelating, knowledge sharing, and new drug development

Alexander Styhre, Susanne Ollila, Jonas Roth et al
Journal of Knowledge Management. Vol. 12 (3), p. 127-140
Journal article

Action, reflection, and learning - Coaching in order to enhance the performance of drug development project management teams

K. Mulec, Jonas Roth
R and D Management. Vol. 35 (5), p. 483-492
Journal article

The tri-polar relationship as an engine for learning in management research

David Williamson, Jonas Roth, Alexander Styhre et al
European Academy of Management Conference
Paper in proceeding

The practice of knowledge sharing in R&D: the challenge of articulating learning

Jonas Roth, Susanne Ollila, David Williamson et al
R&D Management Conference
Paper in proceeding

The Collaborative Development of Leader@Site

Sven Kylén, Kina Mulec, Jan Wickenberg et al
Collaborative Research in Organizations - Foundations for Learning, Change, and Theoretical Development, p. 285-299
Book chapter

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