Robert Sommar

Showing 8 publications


System design and evaluation of intermodal transport solutions

Jonas Flodén, Robert Sommar

Time perspectives on intermodal transport of consolidated cargo

Robert Sommar, Johan Woxenius
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. Vol. 7 (2), p. 163-182
Journal article

Long-distance hauliers' transport mode choices

Robert Sommar
NSF New Scholars' Conference on Sustainable Transportation
Other conference contribution

Intermodal Transport in Less-than-Truckload Networks

Robert Sommar
Licentiate thesis

Organisation of LTL networks - consequences for intermodal transport

Robert Sommar
Nectar Cluster Meeting, Göteborg, March 22-23
Other conference contribution

Time perspectives on Intermodal transport of consolidated cargo

Robert Sommar, Johan Woxenius
The 8th NECTAR conference, Las Palmas, 2-4 June 2005
Other conference contribution

A Swedish intermodal transport service based on line-trains serving freight forwarders

Johan Woxenius, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Fredrik Bärthel et al
Paper presented at the 10th World Conference on Transport Research : WCTR '04 ; Istanbul Lütfi Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Center, July 4 - 8, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey
Paper in proceeding

Terminals as part of the Swedish Transport System - an overview

Johan Woxenius, Robert Sommar, Violeta Roso et al

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