Rolf Pettersson

Showing 19 publications


On the linear Boltzmann equation with rough granular collisions and spin

Rolf Pettersson
AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1501 (1), p. 971-976
Paper in proceeding

On Boundedness of Higher Velocity Moments for the Linear Boltzmann Equation with Diffuse Boundary Conditions

Rolf Pettersson
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics. Vol. 41 (5-6), p. 345-355
Journal article

Preschool wheeze - impact of early fish introduction and neonatal antibiotics.

Emma Goksor, Bernt Alm, Hrefna Thengilsdottir et al
Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics
Journal article

On Weak Solutions to the Linear Boltzmann Equation with Inelastic Coulomb Collisions

Rolf Pettersson
AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1333 (PART 1), p. 111-116
Paper in proceeding

Early protective and risk factors for allergic rhinitis at age 4½ yr.

Bernt Alm, Emma Goksor, Hrefna Thengilsdottir et al
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology. Vol. 22 (4), p. 398-404
Journal article

On global boundedness of higher velocity moments for solutions to the linear Boltzmann equation with hard sphere collisions

Rolf Pettersson
Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C. Vol. 33 (1), p. 189-197
Journal article

On solutions to the linear boltzmann equation with inelastic granular collisions and infinite range forces

Rolf Pettersson
AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1084, p. 135-139
Paper in proceeding

Early introduction of fish decreases the risk of eczema in infants.

Bernt Alm, Nils Åberg, Laslo Erdes et al
Archives of disease in childhood. Vol. 94 (1), p. 11-5
Journal article

Neonatal antibiotic treatment is a risk factor for early wheezing.

Bernt Alm, Laslo Erdes, Per Möllborg et al
Pediatrics. Vol. 121 (4), p. 697-702
Journal article

On L^p solutions to the linear Boltzmann equation with diffuse boundary reflections

Lennart Falk, Tommy Gustafsson, Rolf Pettersson

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