Rossitza Dodunekova
Showing 38 publications
On the properness of some binary linear codes and their dual codes
Sufficient conditions for interval properness of linear error detecting codes
Error detection with a class of cyclic codes
Error detection with a class of q-ary two-weight codes
Error detection with a class of irreducible binary cyclic codes and their dual codes
Properness of binary linear error-detecting codes in terms of basic parameters
On the error-detecting performance of a class of irreducible binary cyclic codes and their duals
Intervals of properness for binary linear error-detecting codes
Characterization of the geometric and exponential random variables
On the error-detecting performance of some classes of block codes
Error detection with a class of irreducible binary cyclic codes and their dual codes
On the error-detecting performance of some classes of block codes
Non-linear binary codes for error detection
t-good and t-proper linear error correcting codes
Characterization of the geometric and exponential random variables
The duals of MMD codes are proper for error detection
Extended binomial moments of a linear code and the undetected error probability
On the binomial moments of linear codes and undetected error probability
The MMD codes are proper for error detection
t-good and t-proper linear error correcting codes
Sufficient conditions for good and proper linear error detecting codes via their duals
Sufficient conditions for good and proper error detecting codes via their duals
Sufficient conditions for good and proper error detecting codes
Almost-MDS and near-MDS codes for error detection
Intermediate St. Petersburg sums
The domain of partial attraction of an infinitely divisible law without a normal component
Limit theorems for the Petersburg game
The domain of partial attraction of a Poisson law
Infinitely divisible laws partially attracted to a Poisson law
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