Antonina Rybalko

Stipendiat at Applied Mathematics and Statistics

The area of my scientific interests is the asymptotic analysis of PDEs and its applications, in particular the homogenization theory.

My current research is related to modeling of signal propagation in nervous tissues containing a large number of bundled axons. The corresponding processes can be described by boundary value problems in domains with complicated random microstructure. Using homogenization techniques I’m going to obtain the averaged model describing overall behavior of the system, that is advantageous both for numerical simulations and analytical quantitative study.​

Image of Antonina Rybalko

Showing 2 publications


Bifurcation of finger-like structures in traveling waves of epithelial tissues spreading

Leonid Berlyand, Antonina Rybalko, Volodymyr Rybalko et al
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Vol. 538 (1)
Journal article

Bidomain Model for Axon Bundles with Random Geometry

Irina Pettersson, Antonina Rybalko, Volodymyr Rybalko
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. 429, p. 93-116
Paper in proceeding

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