Sahil Ahmed

Doctoral Student at Supply and Operations Management

Sahil Ahmed is a doctoral student at the division of Supply and Operations Management in Technology Management and Economics Department. His research is about Supply Chain Planning during disruptions and how it can be used to improve resilience in organizations.

He is involved in teaching two courses – Operations Planning & Control and Production Management. He has a Masters in Industrial Engineering and Management from Linköping University.

Image of Sahil Ahmed

Showing 2 publications


Towards Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Integration

Sahil Ahmed, Patrik Jonsson, Frida Lind
Proceedings of the Nofoma Conference 2021
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


REAL: Building resilience: Aligning supply chain reconfiguration and dynamic planning

Patrik Jonsson Supply and Operations Management
Gabriella Gatenholm Service Management and Logistics
Joakim Andersson Supply and Operations Management
Sahil Ahmed Supply and Operations Management
Arni Halldorsson Service Management and Logistics
Hafez Shurrab Supply and Operations Management

4 publications exist
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