Sajid Alvi

Visiting Researcher at Materials Physics

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in Patrik Johansson’s group. My current project involves development and characterization of high-entropy based electrodes for next generation multivalent batteries. I obtained my PhD in Engineering Materials from Luleå University of Technology (Sweden), where my thesis was focused on development and characterization of refractory based high-entropy alloys and PVD coatings (metallic, amorphous and nitrides) for high temperature applications.

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Showing 3 publications


Entropy Stabilized Medium High Entropy Alloy Anodes for Lithium-ion Batteries

Sajid Alvi, Ashley P. Black, Ignacio Jozami et al
Batteries and Supercaps. Vol. 7 (5)
Journal article

Enhanced Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of High-Entropy HfMoNbTaTiVWZr Thin Film Metallic Glass and its Nitrides

Sajid Alvi, Michal Milczarek, Dariusz M. Jarzabek et al
Advanced Engineering Materials. Vol. 24 (9)
Journal article

Ten Ways to Fool the Masses When Presenting Battery Research

Patrik Johansson, Sajid Alvi, Pedram Ghorbanzade et al
Batteries and Supercaps. Vol. 4 (12), p. 1785 -1788
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