Fredrik Börjesson Sandén

Doctoral Student at Nuclear Chemistry and Industrial Materials Recycling

Fredrik Börjesson Sandén is a PhD student at the Nuclear Chemistry Department since 2021. His studies are focused on organic matter interaction with Tellurium during severe accident scenarios. The goal with this research is to further improve the safety of nuclear reactors as well as to increase the preparedness for how to manage and contain an accident. The project is conducted within the scope of APRI 10, a status report on the scientific development on severe nuclear accidents, ultimately directed by SSM (the Swedish Radiation Protection Agency)

Image of Fredrik Börjesson Sandén

Showing 3 publications


Effects of boric acid on volatile tellurium in severe accident conditions

Fredrik Börjesson Sandén, Anna-Elina Pasi, T. Karkela et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 200
Journal article

Gas phase interactions between tellurium and organic material in severe nuclear accident scenarios

Anna-Elina Pasi, Teemu Karkela, Fredrik Börjesson Sandén et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 197
Journal article

Volatized Tellurium Interactions with Organics and with Boric Acid

Fredrik Börjesson Sandén
Licentiate thesis

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