Johan Sandström
Showing 15 publications
Deterioration of insulated rail joints – a three-year field study
Evaluation of Dang Van stress in Hertzian rolling contact
Subsurface rolling contact fatigue damage of railway wheels – A probabilistic analysis
Wheels, Rails and Insulated Joints - Damage and Failure Probability at High Speed and Axle Load
Probability of subsurface fatigue initiation in rolling contact
Predicting crack growth and risks of rail breaks due to wheel flat impacts in heavy haul operations
A numerical study of the mechanical deterioration of insulated rail joints
Probability of subsurface fatigue initiation in rolling contact
Tracks and wheels for higher speeds and axle loads on Swedish railways
Isolerskarvar – jämförelse mellan 4 mm och 8 mm skarvöppning
Predicting Crack Growth and Risks of Rail Breaks due to Wheel Flat Impacts in Heavy Haul Operations
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