Sara U Erkfeldt

Visiting Researcher at Applied Chemistry image

Showing 16 publications


Promoting Effect of Triglyme on Lean NOx Reduction Over Ag/Al2O3

Sara U Erkfeldt, Anders Palmqvist
Catalysis Letters. Vol. 142 (2), p. 183-189
Journal article

Alumina-supported In2O3, Ga2O3 and B2O3 catalysts for lean NOx reduction with dimethyl ether

Sara U Erkfeldt, Martin Petersson, Anders Palmqvist
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Vol. 117-118, p. 369-383
Journal article

Influence of the reducing agent for lean NOx reduction over Cu-ZSM-5

Sara U Erkfeldt, Anders Palmqvist, Martin Petersson
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Vol. 102 (3-4), p. 547-554
Journal article

Lean NOx Reduction with Various Bio-Diesels as Reducing Agents

Sara U Erkfeldt, Anders Palmqvist, Martin Petersson
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 54 (16-18), p. 1219-1223
Journal article

NOx reduction with dimethyl ether in lean exhaust

Sara U Erkfeldt
Licentiate thesis

NOx Reduction Performance of Lean NOx Catalyst and Lean NOx Adsorber Using DME as Reducing Agent

Sara U Erkfeldt, Edward Jobson, Anders Palmqvist
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 42/43, p. 149-152
Journal article

Influence of the storage material on the storage of NOx at low temperatures

Pernilla Svedberg, Edward Jobson, Sara U Erkfeldt et al
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 30/31 (1-4), p. 199-206
Journal article

Influence of the storage material on the storage of NOx at low temperatures

Pernilla Svedberg, Edward Jobson, Sara U Erkfeldt et al
6th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (CAPoC6), Brussels, Belgium, October 22-24, 2003
Paper in proceeding

Low-temperature activity of NOx adsorbing materials

Pernilla Svedberg, Edward Jobson, Sara U Erkfeldt et al
18th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, June 1-6, 2003
Paper in proceeding

The effect of sulphur on NOx traps for direct injected gasoline engines

Sara U Erkfeldt, Magnus Skoglundh, Mikael Larsson
9th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis, Stockholm, Sweden, June 4-6, 2000
Paper in proceeding

Poisoning, regeneration and control of NOx trap catalysts used for direct injected gasoline engines

Mikael Larsson, Sara U Erkfeldt, Lennart Andersson et al
Gasoline Direct Injection Engines in München, Germany, November 16-17, 1999.
Paper in proceeding

SO2 poisoning and regeneration of NOx storage catalysts

Sara U Erkfeldt, Mikael Larsson, Magnus Skoglundh
1999 SAE International Fall Fuels & Lubricants Meeting and Exposition in Toronto, Canada, October 25-28, 1999
Paper in proceeding

Poisoning and regeneration of NOx adsorbing catalysts for automotive applications

Sara U Erkfeldt, Magnus Skoglundh, Mikael Larsson
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. Vol. 126, p. 211-218
Journal article

Poisoning and regeneration of NOx adsorbing catalysts for automotive applications

Sara U Erkfeldt, Magnus Skoglundh, Mikael Larsson
8th International Symposium on Catalyst Deactivation in Brugge, Belgium, October 11-13, 1999
Paper in proceeding

Sulphur poisoning and regeneration of NOx trap catalyst for direct injected gasoline engines

Sara U Erkfeldt, Mikael Larsson, Håkan Hedblom et al
Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper Series. Vol. 1999 (SP-1476), p. 51-62
Journal article

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