Sassan Etemad

Showing 7 publications


Computational Aeroacoustics of Inlet Geometry on Tip Noise for Low Pressure Axial Fans

Debarshee Ghosh, Niklas Andersson, Sassan Etemad
AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2024
Paper in proceeding

Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Aerodynamic Performance of Low-Pressure Axial Fans with Upstream Blockage

Debarshee Ghosh, Niklas Andersson, Sassan Etemad
SAE Technical Papers
Paper in proceeding

An adaptive cabin air recirculation strategy for an electric truck using a coupled CFD-thermoregulation approach

Anandh Ramesh Babu, Simone Sebben, Zenitha Chroneer et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 221
Journal article

Aerodynamic Analysis of Low-Pressure Axial Fans Installed in Parallel

Debarshee Ghosh, Niklas Andersson, Sassan Etemad
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 146 (5)
Journal article

Computational aeroacoustics of low-pressure axial fans installed in parallel

Debarshee Ghosh, Niklas Andersson, Sassan Etemad et al
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 147 (2)
Journal article

Comparative analysis of single and multiphase numerical frameworks for subcooled boiling flow in an internal combustion engine coolant jacket

Sudharsan Vasudevan, Sassan Etemad, Lars Davidson et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 219
Journal article

A partitioned FSI methodology for analysis of sloshing-induced loads on a fuel tank structure

Sampann Arora, Sudharsan Vasudevan, Sassan Etemad et al
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018, p. 3037-3048
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 3 research projects


eFan, a key enabler for eMobility, part II

Lars Davidson Fluid Dynamics
Sassan Etemad Fluid Dynamics
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

eFan, a key enabler for eMobility II

Lars Davidson Fluid Dynamics
Sassan Etemad Fluid Dynamics
Swedish Energy Agency


Precision cooling for CO2 reduction

Lars Davidson Fluid Dynamics
Sassan Etemad Fluid Dynamics
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist
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