Bengt Schmidtbauer

Showing 10 publications


Sonar transmission through the train brake system: final report of prestudy (phase 2), Report I

Hans Sandholt, Bengt Schmidtbauer
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

On sonar transmission through the train brake system: progress report 2

Hans Sandholt, Bengt Schmidtbauer
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

On sonar transmission through the train brake system: test report from tests at SAB WABCO in Piossasco (Italy)

Hans Sandholt, Bengt Schmidtbauer
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

On sonar transmission through the train brake system: phase 1 - literature and baseline models, Report I

Hans Sandholt, Bengt Schmidtbauer
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Exempel på animeringar och multimedia för interaktiva moment i reglerteknisk undervisning

Bengt Schmidtbauer
Preprints, Reglermöte 96, Luleå, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Modeling and Control of Variable-Speed Wind-Turbine Drive-System Dynamics

Peter Novak, Thommy Ekelund, Inge Jovik et al
IEEE Control Systems. Vol. 15 (4), p. 28-38
Journal article

REGO - Process identification, controller synthesis and on-line implementation

Bengt Schmidtbauer
Proc of the 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 11-
Paper in proceeding

Modeling and Identification of Drive-System Dynamics in a Variable-Speed Wind Turbine

Peter Novak, Inge Jovik, Bengt Schmidtbauer
Proc of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Glasgow, UK, p. 233-238
Paper in proceeding

Trade-Off between Energy Capture and Dynamic Loads in Variable Speed Turbines

Thommy Ekelund, Bengt Schmidtbauer
Proc of the 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, Australia, p. 521-524
Paper in proceeding

A new first course in analog and digital control

Bengt Schmidtbauer
Proc of the IFAC World Congress, Tallinn, Estonia
Paper in proceeding

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