Joachim Scheuren

Adj professor at Applied Acoustics image

Showing 7 publications


Urban sound planning - The SONORUS project

Sonia Alves, Beate Altreuther, Joachim Scheuren et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, p. 2319-2328
Paper in proceeding

SONORUS Urban sound planning project and test sites: an example within the planning stage

Laura Estévez Mauriz, Sonia Alves, Jens Forssén et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future
Paper in proceeding

Towards the practical implementation of the holistic approach to urban sound planning

Sonia Alves, Beate Altreuther, Joachim Scheuren
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, p. 2924-2927
Paper in proceeding

SONORUS - Training Urban Sound Planners by Education and Research

Joachim Scheuren, Wolfgang Kropp, Jens Forssén
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum. Vol. 2014-January, p. 7-
Paper in proceeding

Extending the scope of urban sound planning by education and research

Joachim Scheuren, Wolfgang Kropp, Jens Forssén
Internoise 2014, Melbourne, Australia, p. 7-
Paper in proceeding

Feedforward control of bending waves in frequency domain at structural junctions using an impedance formulation

Jonas Svensson, Patrik Andersson, Joachim Scheuren et al
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 323 (3-5), p. 555-573
Journal article

Active scattering control of flexural waves at beam junctions: The influence of beam properties on power flow and control effort

Jonas Svensson, Patrik Andersson, Joachim Scheuren et al
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 313 (3-5), p. 418-432
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


The Urban Sound Planner (SONORUS)

Wolfgang Kropp Applied Acoustics
Laura Estévez Mauriz Applied Acoustics
Frederik Rietdijk Applied Acoustics
Georgios Zachos Applied Acoustics
Joachim Scheuren Structural Engineering
Jens Forssén Applied Acoustics
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists
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