Georg Schwebel

Showing 9 publications


Performance of Industrial Residues as Low Cost Oxygen Carriers

Lei Xu, Georg Schwebel, Pavleta Knutsson et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 114, p. 361-370
Paper in proceeding

Impact of Biomass Ash-Bauxite Bed Interactions on an Indirect Biomass Gasifier

Jelena Maric, Martin Seemann, Georg Schwebel et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 30 (5), p. 4044-4052
Journal article

Importance of Decomposition Reactions for Catalytic Conversion of Tar and Light Hydrocarbons: An Application with an Ilmenite Catalyst

Huyen Nguyen Lyckeskog, Nicolas Berguerand, Georg Schwebel et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 55 (46), p. 11900-11909
Journal article

Use of natural ores and waste materials as oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion

Pavleta Knutsson, Georg Schwebel, Mehdi Arjmand et al
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. Vol. 1 (4), p. 597-604
Paper in proceeding

Apparent kinetics derived from fluidized bed experiments for Norwegian ilmenite as oxygen carrier

Georg Schwebel, Sebastian Sundqvist, W. Krumm et al
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Vol. 2 (2), p. 1131-1141
Journal article

Effect of bed materials mixing on the observed bed sintering

Pavleta Knutsson, Georg Schwebel, Britt-Marie Steenari et al
11th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, CFB 2014; Beijing; China; 14 May 2014 through 17 May 2014, p. 655-660
Paper in proceeding

Low-cost oxygen carrier materials for chemical-looping combustion of biomass

Georg Schwebel, Eugenia Perez Vico, Pavleta Knutsson et al
Environmental Division 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future; San Francisco; United States; 3 November 2013 through 8 November 2013, p. 406-
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of natural ilmenites as oxygen carriers in chemical-looping combustion and influence of water gas shift reaction on gas composition

Georg Schwebel, Henrik Leion, W. Krumm
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 90 (9), p. 1351-1360
Journal article

Influence of Lime Addition to Ilmenite in Chemical-Looping Combustion (CLC) with Solid Fuels

G. Teyssie, Henrik Leion, Georg Schwebel et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 25 (8), p. 3843-3853
Journal article

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