Seyyed Mohammad Hamed Hoseiny

Showing 8 publications


The Influence of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Machinability of a Prehardened Mold Steel

Seyyed Mohammad Hamed Hoseiny, F. G. Caballero, Rachid M'Saoubi et al
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. Vol. 46 (5), p. 2157-2171
Journal article

The influence of microstructure and mechanical properties on the machinability of martensitic and bainitic prehardened mould steels

Seyyed Mohammad Hamed Hoseiny, Berne Högman, Hans-Olof Andrén et al
International Journal of Materials Research. Vol. 104 (8), p. 748-761
Journal article

The effect of the martensitic packet size on the machinability of modified AISI P20 prehardened mold steel

Seyyed Mohammad Hamed Hoseiny, F. G. Caballero, Berne Högman et al
Journal of Materials Science. Vol. 47 (8), p. 3613-3620
Journal article

Machinability evaluation of pre-hardened plastic mould steels

Seyyed Mohammad Hamed Hoseiny, Berne Högman, Uta Klement et al
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials. Vol. 11 (4), p. 327-341
Journal article

Comparison of the microstructures in continuous-cooled and quench-tempered pre-hardened mould steels

Seyyed Mohammad Hamed Hoseiny, Uta Klement, Peter Sotkovszki et al
Materials & Design. Vol. 32 (1), p. 21-28
Magazine article

Influence of Microstructure on the Machinability of Prehardened Mould Steels

Seyyed Mohammad Hamed Hoseiny
Doctoral thesis

The Metallurgical Aspects of Machinability in Prehardened Mould Steels

Seyyed Mohammad Hamed Hoseiny
Licentiate thesis

Machinability evaluation of prehardened plastic moulding steels

Seyyed Mohammad Hamed Hoseiny, Berne Högman, Uta Klement et al
Proceedings of the Swedish Production Symposium (SPS) - 2008
Paper in proceeding

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