Sima Shahsavari

Showing 11 publications


Cerebrovascular Mechanical Properties and Slow Waves of Intracranial Pressure in TBI Patients

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey, Catherine Eriksson-Ritzen et al
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 58 (7), p. 2072-2082
Journal article

Plateau Waves and Baroreflex Sensitivity in Patients with Head Injury: A Case Study

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey, Bertil Rydenhag et al
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, p. 3792-3795
Paper in proceeding

Cerebral Hemodynamics through Intracrnial Pressure

Sima Shahsavari
Doctoral thesis

Pulse Wave Velocity in Patients with Severe Head Injury: A Pilot Study

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey, Bertil Rydenhag et al
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, p. 5277-5281
Paper in proceeding

Intracranial Pressure in Traumatic Brain Injury

Sima Shahsavari
Licentiate thesis

Normalized Power Transmission between ABP and ICP in TBI

Sima Shahsavari, Tobias Hallen, Tomas McKelvey et al
Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, p. 4699-4703
Paper in proceeding

Harmonics Tracking of Intracranial and Arterial Blood Pressure Waves

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society., p. 2644-2647
Paper in proceeding

A comparison between the transfer function of ABP to ICP and compensatory reserve index in TBI

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey, T. Skoglund et al
Acta Neurochirurgica, Supplement. Vol. 102 (102), p. 9-13
Journal article

Frequency Interpretation of Tidal Peak in Intracranial Pressure Wave

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey
30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08; Vancouver, BC; Canada; 20 August 2008 through 25 August 2008, p. 2689-2692
Paper in proceeding

Transfer function of arterial blood pressure to intracranial pressure and its relationship with index of compensatory reserve in traumatic brain injury

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey, Thomas Skoglund et al
Proc. 13th International Symposum on Intracranial Pressure and Brain Monitoring
Paper in proceeding

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