Shivika Mittal

Gästforskare at Energy Technology image

Showing 6 publications


Future biogas resource potential in India: A bottom-up analysis

Shivika Mittal, Erik Ahlgren, Priyadarshi Ramprasad Shukla
Renewable Energy. Vol. 141, p. 379-389
Journal article

An assessment of near-to-mid-term economic impacts and energy transitions under "2°C" and "1.5°C" scenarios for India

Shivika Mittal, Jing Yu Liu, Shinichiro Fujimori et al
Energies. Vol. 11 (9)
Journal article

Barriers to biogas dissemination in India: A review

Shivika Mittal, Erik Ahlgren, Priyadarshi Ramprasad Shukla
Energy Policy. Vol. 112, p. 361-370
Journal article

India INDC assessment: Emission gap between pledged target and 2 °C target

Priyadarshi Ramprasad Shukla, Shivika Mittal, Jing Yu Liu et al
Post-2020 Climate Action: Global and Asian Perspectives, p. 113-124
Book chapter

Key factors influencing the global passenger transport dynamics using the AIM/transport model

Shivika Mittal, Hancheng Dai, Shinichiro Fujimori et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 55, p. 373-388
Journal article

GHG mitigation & sustainability co-benefits of urban solid waste management strategies: A case study of Ahmedabad, India

Shivika Mittal, Minal Pathak, Priyadarshi Ramprasad Shukla et al
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 56, p. 457-462
Journal article

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