Shuping Wang

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Showing 11 publications


Influence of moisture content on the contact-hardening properties of calcium silicate hydrate by direct compression

Shuping Wang, Xiaoqin Peng, Luping Tang et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 278
Journal article

Carbonation of the synthetic calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) under different concentrations of CO2: Chemical phases analysis and kinetics

Yong Qiang Li, W. Liu, Feng Xing et al
Journal of CO2 Utilization. Vol. 35, p. 303-313
Journal article

Temperature evolution during the compaction of calcium silicate hydrate powders using a compression calorimeter

Shuping Wang, Xiaoqin Peng, Luping Tang et al
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Vol. 139 (2), p. 863-875
Journal article

Contact-hardening behavior of calcium silicate hydrate powders

Shuping Wang, Xiaoqin Peng, Luping Tang et al
Materials. Vol. 11 (12)
Journal article

Influence of drying conditions on the contact-hardening behaviours of calcium silicate hydrate powder

Shuping Wang, Xiaoqin Peng, Zhilong Tao et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 136, p. 465-473
Journal article

Alkali-activated slag foamed concrete with lightweight glass aggregates

Shuping Wang, Helen Jansson, Luping Tang et al
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Beijing, China
Paper in proceeding

Pb2+ adsorption by calcium silicate hydrate synthesized from steel slag

Shuping Wang, Xiaoqin Peng, Luping Tang
Nordic Concrete Research. Vol. 52, p. 77-92
Journal article

The Study on Cracking Strength of AIJs to Release the Early-Age Stress of Mass Concrete

X. G. Zhang, C. Q. Wang, Shuping Wang et al
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 2015
Journal article

The influence of water glass modulus on the structure development of alkali-activated slag

Manuel Monasterio, Shuping Wang, Silvina Cerveny et al
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC), Beijing, China
Paper in proceeding

High-strength lightweight blocks prepared from the by-product of aluminium removed from fly ash

Shuping Wang, Xiaoqin Peng, Cong Lan et al
Proceedings of International Symposium on Eco-Crete – Environmentally Friendly Concrete, 13 - 15 August 2014, Reykjavik Iceland, p. 29-36
Paper in proceeding

Influence of inorganic admixtures on the 11 angstrom-tobermorite formation prepared from steel slags: XRD and FTIR analysis

Shuping Wang, Xiaoqin Peng, Luping Tang et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 60, p. 42-47
Journal article

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