David Simon

Showing 19 publications


Urban Climate Resilience and Its Link to Global Sustainability Agendas

Sandra Valencia, David Simon, Sylvia Croese et al
The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies: Volumes 1-2. Vol. 2, p. 1807-1834
Book chapter

Urban research for sustainability: developing a comparative transdisciplinary co-production approach to realise just cities

Henrietta Palmer, David Simon, Jan Riise
International Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol. 25 (1-2), p. 78-94
Journal article

Cities coping with COVID-19: Comparative perspectives

David Simon, Angeles Arano, Mariana Cammisa et al
City. Vol. 25 (1-2), p. 129-170
Journal article

Adapting the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda to the city level: Initial reflections from a comparative research project

Sandra Valencia, David Simon, Sylvia Croese et al
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. Vol. 11 (1), p. 4-23
Journal article

Commentary on ‘Habitability and Design: Radical interdependence and the remaking of cities’, by Arturo Escobar

David Simon
Geoforum. Vol. 101, p. 218-221
Other text in scientific journal

Context-Adapted Urban Planning for Rapid Transitioning of Personal Mobility towards Sustainability: A Systematic Literature Review

Varvara Nikulina, David Simon, Henrik Ny et al
Sustainability. Vol. 11 (4), p. 1007-
Journal article

Governance for sustainable urban development: the double function of SDG indicators

Stina Hansson, Helen Arfvidsson, David Simon
Area Development and Policy. Vol. 4 (3), p. 217-235
Journal article

Local authority responses to climate change in South Africa: The challenges of transboundary governance

Hayley Leck, David Simon
Sustainability. Vol. 10 (7)
Journal article

Sustainable Transport Futures: Analysis of the Selected Methodologies Supporting the Planning Process towards Achieving Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

Varvara Nikulina, Henrikke Baumann, David Simon et al
World Sustainability Series, p. 473-488
Book chapter

The challenges of transdisciplinary knowledge production: from unilocal to comparative research

David Simon, Henrietta Palmer, Jan Riise et al
Environment and Urbanization. Vol. 30 (2), p. 481-500
Journal article

Urban transformative potential in a changing climate

Patricia Romero-Lankao, Harriet Bulkeley, Mark Pelling et al
Nature Climate Change. Vol. 8 (9), p. 754-756
Other text in scientific journal

Engaging with and measuring informality in the proposed Urban Sustainable Development Goal

Helen Arfvidsson, David Simon, Michael Oloko et al
African Geographical Review. Vol. 36 (1), p. 100-114
Journal article

Local responses to global sustainability agendas: learning from experimenting with the urban sustainable development goal in Cape Town

Zarina Patel, Saskia Greyling, David Simon et al
Sustainability Science. Vol. 12 (5), p. 785-797
Journal article

Planning transport futures. Backcasting vs forecasting.

Varvara Nikulina, Henrikke Baumann, David Simon et al
Paper in proceeding

Conclusion, Implications and Practical Guidelines

Henrietta Palmer, David Simon
Rethinking Sustainable Cities: Accessible, green and fair, ed. by David Simon: Policy Press, Bristol, UK, p. 145-165
Book chapter

Developing and testing the urban sustainable development goal’s targets and indicators - a five city study

Stina Hansson, David Simon, Helen Arfvidsson et al
Environment and Urbanization. Vol. 28 (1), p. 49-63
Journal article

Understanding climate adaptation and transformation challenges in African cities

David Simon, Hayley Leck
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. Vol. 13, p. 109-116
Review article

Editorial overview: Sustainability challenges: Assessing climate change adaptation in Africa

David Simon, Hayley Leck
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. Vol. 13, p. iv-viii
Other text in scientific journal

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