Shailendra Singh

Showing 17 publications


Comparsion study of different simulation codes for positive streamers

B. Bagheri, J. Teunissen, A. Luque et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG)
Conference poster

New computational framework for analysing of short-time withstand current effects in switchgear design

Shailendra Singh, Pavel Novak, Jaroslav Snajdr et al
23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution
Paper in proceeding

Streamer branching in air: physical model and simulations in fully 3d spatial domain

Shailendra Singh, Yuriy Serdyuk, Raimund Summer
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, ICPADM 2015, Sydney, Australia, 19-22 July 2015. Vol. 2015-October, p. 220-223
Paper in proceeding

Streamer propagation in air in non-axially symmetric electric field

Shailendra Singh, Yuriy Serdyuk, Raimund Summer
Proceedings of 19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (paper ID 101), p. 5-
Paper in proceeding

Streamer Propagation in Hybrid Gas-Solid Insulation

Shailendra Singh, Yuriy Serdyuk, Raimund Summer
Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP. Vol. 2015-December, p. 387-390
Paper in proceeding

Adaptive Numerical Simulation of Streamer Propagation in Atmospheric Air

Shailendra Singh, Yuriy Serdyuk, Raimund Summer
Proc. Comsol Conference, Oct. 23-25, 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Paper in proceeding

Application of streamer criteria for calculations of flashover voltages of gaseous insulation with solid dielectric barrier

Manjunath Ramesh, Raimund Summer, Shailendra Singh et al
Proceedings of 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineeirng, Aug. 25-30, 2013, Seoul, Korea, p. 1258-1263
Paper in proceeding

Thermal management in the design process of MV GIS

Shailendra Singh, Raimund Summer, Andreas Bedranowsky et al
22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution
Paper in proceeding

Configurable circuit breaker

Shailendra Singh, Subbaiathever Dukkaiappan

A novel approach for the thermal analysis of air insulated switchgear

Shailendra Singh, Raimund Summer
21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution
Paper in proceeding

Simplified Internal arc - Structural simulation

Shailendra Singh, Raimund Summer
21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution
Paper in proceeding

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