Vicent Ssenteza

Doctoral Student at Materials Chemistry

Vincent Ssenteza is a PhD student at the division of energy and materials. His research is focused on high temperature corrosion that occurs in biomass - and waste-fired boilers. Specifically, his work aims to understand the corrosion resistance of different materials and coatings upon exposure to alkali chloride rich environments. In collaboration with industry partners, they study and select high resistant materials and coatings to improve energy production while lowering operation costs.

Image of Vicent Ssenteza

Showing 9 publications


High-Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Superheater Materials at 600 °C: Insights from Laboratory and Field Exposures

Vicent Ssenteza, Dolores Olausson, Johan Eklund et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 39 (1), p. 819-827
Journal article

The Impact of HCl on Alkali-Induced Corrosion of Stainless Steels/FeCrAl Alloy at 600 °C: The Story After Breakaway

Vicent Ssenteza, Torbjörn Jonsson, Johanna Nockert et al
High Temperature Corrosion of Materials. Vol. 101 (5), p. 1067-1076
Journal article

Insight into the influence of alloying elements on the secondary corrosion protection of Fe-base alloys by means of atom probe tomography

Amanda Persdotter, Torben Boll, Vicent Ssenteza et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 235
Journal article

Rapid α-Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> Growth on an Iron Aluminide Coating at 600 °C in the Presence of O<inf>2</inf>, H<inf>2</inf>O, and KCl

Alina Agüero, Pauline Audigie, Sergio Rodriguez et al
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Vol. 16 (43), p. 59507-59515
Journal article

Long-term corrosion behavior of FeCr(Al, Ni) alloys in O2 + H2O with KCl(s) at 600 °C: Microstructural evolution after breakaway oxidation

Vicent Ssenteza, Johan Eklund, S. Bigdeli et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 226
Journal article

High-temperature corrosion of weld overlay coating/bulk FeCrAl exposed in O2 + H2O + KCl(s) at 600 °C – A microstructural investigation

Imran Hanif, Vicent Ssenteza, Johan Eklund et al
Journal of Materials Research and Technology. Vol. 25, p. 7008-7023
Journal article

The long-term corrosion behavior of FeCrAl(Si) alloys after breakaway oxidation at 600 °C

Johan Eklund, Amanda Persdotter, Vicent Ssenteza et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 217
Journal article

High temperature corrosion resistance of FeCr(Ni, Al) alloys as bulk/overlay weld coatings in the presence of KCl at 600 °C

Vicent Ssenteza, Johan Eklund, Imran Hanif et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 213
Journal article

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