Stefan Norberg

Showing 58 publications


Defect structure in delta-Bi5PbY2O11.5

Anna Borowska-Centkowska, Xi Liu, Marcin Krynski et al
RSC Advances. Vol. 9 (17), p. 9640-9653
Journal article

Neutron Pair Distribution Function Study of FePO4 and LiFePO4

Wojciech Andrzej Slawinski, Helen Y. Playford, Stephen Hull et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 31 (14), p. 5024-5034
Journal article

The upgraded Polaris powder diffractometer at the ISIS neutron source

R. I. Smith, S. Hull, Matthew G. Tucker et al
Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol. 90 (11)
Journal article

The Fluorite-Like Phase Nd5Mo3O16 +/-delta in the MoO3-Nd2O3 System: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Conducting Properties

Jordi Jacas Biendicho, Helen Y. Playford, Habibur Seikh Mohammad Rahman et al
Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. 57 (12), p. 7025-7035
Journal article

C-type related order in the defective fluorites La2Ce2O7 and Nd2Ce2O7 studied by neutron scattering and ab initio MD simulations

L. E. Kalland, Stefan Norberg, J. Kyrklund et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 18 (34), p. 24070-24080
Journal article

Crystal structure and proton conductivity of BaSn0.6Sc0.4O3-delta: insights from neutron powder diffraction and solid-state NMR spectroscopy

FRANCIS GACHAO KINYANJUI, Stefan Norberg, Christopher Knee et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 4 (14), p. 5088-5101
Journal article

In situ neutron powder diffraction study of the reaction M2O3 <-> M3O4 <-> MO, M = (Fe0.2Mn0.8): implications for chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling

Stefan Norberg, Golnar Azimi, S. Hull et al
CrystEngComm. Vol. 18 (29), p. 5537-5546
Journal article

Structural and Vibrational Properties of Silyl (SiH3-) Anions in KSiH3 and RbSiH3: New Insight into Si-H Interactions

V. F. Kranak, Yuan-Chih Lin, Maths Karlsson et al
Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. 54 (5), p. 2300-2309
Journal article

In situ investigation of commercial Ni(OH)(2) and LaNi5-based electrodes by neutron powder diffraction

J. J. Biendicho, M. Roberts, D. Noreus et al
Journal of Materials Research. Vol. 30 (3), p. 407-416
Journal article

Oxide ion distribution, vacancy ordering and electrical behaviour in the Bi3NbO7-Bi3YbO6 pseudo-binary system

M. Leszczynska, X. Liu, W. Wrobel et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 2 (43), p. 18624-18634
Journal article

Proton conduction in oxygen deficient Ba3In1.4Y0.3M0.3ZrO8 (M = Ga3+ or Gd3+) perovskites

FRANCIS GACHAO KINYANJUI, Stefan Norberg, Christopher Knee et al
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol. 605, p. 56-62
Journal article

Proton conductivity of hexagonal and cubic BaTi1-xScxO3-δ (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.8)

Habibur Seikh Mohammad Rahman, Stefan Norberg, Christopher Knee et al
Dalton Transactions. Vol. 43 (40), p. 15055-15064
Journal article

New in-situ neutron diffraction cell for electrode materials

J. J. Biendicho, M. Roberts, Colin Offer et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 248, p. 900-904
Journal article

The proton conducting electrolyte BaTi0.5In0.5O2.75: determination of the deuteron site and its local environment

Stefan Norberg, Habibur Seikh Mohammad Rahman, S. Hull et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 25 (45)
Journal article

Thermal Variation of Structure and Electrical Conductivity in Bi4YbO7.5

M. Leszczynska, X. Liu, W. Wrobel et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 25 (3), p. 326-336
Journal article

Total scattering analysis of cation coordination and vacancy pair distribution in Yb substituted delta-Bi2O3

M. Leszczynska, X. Liu, W. Wrobel et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 25 (45)
Journal article

Neutron powder diffraction and molecular dynamics study of superionic SrBr2

S. Hull, Stefan Norberg, Sten Eriksson et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 25 (45)
Journal article

Pyrochlore to Fluorite Transition: The Y2(Ti1-xZrx)2O7 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) System

Stefan Norberg, S. Hull, Sten Eriksson et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 24 (22), p. 4294-4300
Journal article

Synthesis and characterisation of the novel double perovskites La2CrB2/3Nb1/3O6, B = Mg, Ni, Cu

G. Svensson, J. Grins, Samrand Shafeie et al
Materials Research Bulletin. Vol. 47 (9), p. 2449-2454
Journal article

In-situ conductivity and hydration studies of proton conductors using neutron powder diffraction

FRANCIS GACHAO KINYANJUI, Stefan Norberg, Istaq Ahmed et al
Solid State Ionics. Vol. 225, p. 312-316
Journal article

Oxygen Vacancy Ordering and the Conductivity Maximum in Y(2)O(3)-Doped CeO(2)

M. Burbano, Stefan Norberg, S. Hull et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 24 (1), p. 222-229
Journal article

High temperature crystal structures and superionic properties of SrCl2, SrBr2, BaCl2 and BaBr2

S. Hull, Stefan Norberg, Istaq Ahmed et al
Journal of Solid State Chemistry. Vol. 184 (11), p. 2925-2935
Journal article

A dipole polarizable potential for reduced and doped CeO2 obtained from first principles

M. Burbano, Dario Marrocchelli, B. Yildiz et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 23 (25)
Journal article

Structural Disorder in Doped Zirconias, Part I: The Zr0.8Sc0.2-xYxO1.9 (0.0 ≤x ≤ 0.2) System

Stefan Norberg, S. Hull, Istaq Ahmed et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 23 (6), p. 1356-1364
Journal article

Structural Disorder in Doped Zirconias, Part II: Vacancy Ordering Effects and the Conductivity Maximum

Dario Marrocchelli, Paul Madden, Stefan Norberg et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 23 (6), p. 1365-1373
Journal article

A neutron total scattering study of local coordination in KTiOPO4 from room temperature to 900 degrees C

Stefan Norberg, P. A. Thomas, Matthew G. Tucker
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 23 (17)
Journal article

A neutron total scattering study of defect structure in Bi3Nb0.5Y0.5O6.5

X. Liu, I. Abrahams, S. Hull et al
Solid State Ionics. Vol. 192 (1), p. 176-180
Journal article

Comparison of short-range ion-ion correlations in the alpha, beta and delta phases of Bi2O3

Stefan Norberg, Sten Eriksson, S. Hull
Solid State Ionics. Vol. 192 (1), p. 409-412
Journal article

A Combined Total Scattering and Simulation Approach to Analyzing Defect Structure in Bi3YO6

I. Abrahams, X. Liu, S. Hull et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 22 (15), p. 4435-4445
Journal article

Effect of co-doping on proton conductivity in perovskite oxides BaZr0.9In0.05M0.05O3−δ (M = Yb3+ or Ga3+)

Istaq Ahmed, Seikh Mohammad Habibur Rahman, Patrick Steegstra et al
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 35 (12), p. 6381-6391
Journal article

Local structural properties of 0.5BiMnO(3)-0.5ATiO(3) (A = Ba or Sr)

Stefan Norberg, S. Hull, R. Mathieu et al
Chemical Communications. Vol. 46 (9), p. 1455-1457
Journal article

Neutron total scattering study of the delta and beta phases of Bi2O3

Stephen Hull, Stefan Norberg, Matthew Tucker et al
Dalton Transactions (40), p. 8737-8745
Journal article

Bond valence sum: a new soft chemical constraint for RMCProfile

Stefan Norberg, Matthew Tucker, Stephen Hull
Journal of Applied Crystallography. Vol. 42 (2), p. 179-184
Journal article

Conduction and disorder in Y3NbO7 - Zr2Y2O7

Dario Marrocchelli, Paul Madden, Stefan Norberg et al
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 126, p. 71-78
Paper in proceeding

Cation composition effects on oxide conductivity in the Zr2Y2O7-Y3NbO7 system

Dario Marrocchelli, Paul Madden, Stefan Norberg et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 21 (40), p. 405403 (12pp)-
Journal article

Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of oxide-ion disorder in the delta-Bi2O3

Chris Mohn, Svein Stolen, Stefan Norberg et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 80 (2), p. 024205-
Journal article

New high temperature gas flow cell developed at ISIS

R.J. Haynes, Stefan Norberg, Sten Eriksson et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 251 (1), p. Art. no. 012090-
Paper in proceeding

Oxide-Ion Disorder Within the High Temperature delta Phase of Bi2O3

Chris Mohn, Svein Stolen, Stefan Norberg et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 102 (15), p. 155502-
Journal article

Oxygen vacancy ordering within anion-deficient Ceria

Stephen Hull, Stefan Norberg, Istaq Ahmed et al
Journal of Solid State Chemistry. Vol. 182 (10), p. 2815-2821
Journal article

Local structure and ionic conductivity in the Zr2Y2O7-Y3NbO7 system

Stefan Norberg, Istaq Ahmed, Stephen Hull et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 21 (21), p. 215401-
Journal article

The langbeinite type Rb2TiY(PO4)(3)

Joacim Gustafsson, Stefan Norberg, Göran Svensson
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online. Vol. 62 (7), p. i160-i162
Journal article

Melt synthesis of Al2TiO5 containing composites and reinvestigation of the phase diagram Al2O3-TiO2 by powder X-ray diffraction

Stefan Hoffmann, Stefan Norberg, M Yoshimura
Journal of Electroceramics. Vol. 16 (4), p. 327-330
Paper in proceeding

K-site splitting in KTiOPO4 at room temperature

Stefan Norberg, Nobuo Ishizawa
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 61 (10), p. i99-i102
Journal article

Structural models for intergrowth structures in the phase system Al2O3-TiO2

Stefan Hoffmann, Stefan Norberg, M Yoshimura
Journal of Solid State Chemistry. Vol. 178 (9), p. 2897-2906
Journal article

Redetermination of beta-Al2TiO5 obtained by melt casting

Stefan Norberg, Nobuo Ishizawa, Stefan Hoffmann et al
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online. Vol. 61 (8), p. i160-i162
Journal article

Two new phosphate langbeinites, Rb2YbTi(PO4)(3) and Rb2Yb0.32Ti1.68(PO4)(3) investigated at 293 and 150 K

Joacim Gustafsson, Stefan Norberg, Göran Svensson et al
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 61 (2), p. i9-i13
Journal article

Al6Ti2O13, a new phase in the Al2O3-TiO2 system

Stefan Norberg, Stefan Hoffmann, M Yoshimura et al
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 61 (3), p. i35-i8
Journal article

Cation movement and phase transitions in KTP isostructures; X-ray study of sodium-doped KTP at 10.5 K

Stefan Norberg, Alexander Sobolev, Victor Streltsov
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science. Vol. 59 (3), p. 353-360
Journal article

Phase transitions in KTP isostructures: correlation between structure and T-c in germanium-doped RbTiOPO4

Stefan Norberg, Joacim Gustafsson, Bengt-Erik Mellander
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science. Vol. 59 (5), p. 588-595
Journal article

New phosphate langbeinites, K2MTi(PO4)(3) (M=Er, Yb or Y), and an alternative description of the langbeinite framework

Stefan Norberg
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science. Vol. 58 (5), p. 743-749
Journal article

KSbO(Ge0.32Si0.68)O-4, a KTP isomorph

Stefan Norberg, Göran Svensson, Jörgen Albertsson
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 57 (5), p. 510-512
Journal article

Crucial influence of solvent and chirality - The formation of helices and three-dimensional nets by hydrogen-bonded biimidazolate complexes

Lars Öhrström, Krister Larsson, Stefan Borg et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 7 (22), p. 4805-4810
Journal article

A TiP2O7 superstructure

Stefan Norberg, Göran Svensson, Jörgen Albertsson
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 57 (3), p. 225-227
Journal article

Dopant positions in strontium/chromium- and barium-doped KTP, determined with synchrotron X-radiation

Stefan Norberg, Victor Streltsov, Göran Svensson et al
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science. Vol. 56 (6), p. 980-987
Journal article

Lead(II) oxydiacetate hydrate

Stefan Norberg, Göran Svensson, Jörgen Albertsson
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 55 (3), p. 356-358
Journal article

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