Stefan Norberg
Showing 58 publications
Defect structure in delta-Bi5PbY2O11.5
Neutron Pair Distribution Function Study of FePO4 and LiFePO4
The upgraded Polaris powder diffractometer at the ISIS neutron source
Proton conduction in oxygen deficient Ba3In1.4Y0.3M0.3ZrO8 (M = Ga3+ or Gd3+) perovskites
Proton conductivity of hexagonal and cubic BaTi1-xScxO3-δ (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.8)
New in-situ neutron diffraction cell for electrode materials
Thermal Variation of Structure and Electrical Conductivity in Bi4YbO7.5
Neutron powder diffraction and molecular dynamics study of superionic SrBr2
Pyrochlore to Fluorite Transition: The Y2(Ti1-xZrx)2O7 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) System
Synthesis and characterisation of the novel double perovskites La2CrB2/3Nb1/3O6, B = Mg, Ni, Cu
In-situ conductivity and hydration studies of proton conductors using neutron powder diffraction
Oxygen Vacancy Ordering and the Conductivity Maximum in Y(2)O(3)-Doped CeO(2)
High temperature crystal structures and superionic properties of SrCl2, SrBr2, BaCl2 and BaBr2
A dipole polarizable potential for reduced and doped CeO2 obtained from first principles
Structural Disorder in Doped Zirconias, Part I: The Zr0.8Sc0.2-xYxO1.9 (0.0 ≤x ≤ 0.2) System
A neutron total scattering study of defect structure in Bi3Nb0.5Y0.5O6.5
Comparison of short-range ion-ion correlations in the alpha, beta and delta phases of Bi2O3
A Combined Total Scattering and Simulation Approach to Analyzing Defect Structure in Bi3YO6
Local structural properties of 0.5BiMnO(3)-0.5ATiO(3) (A = Ba or Sr)
Neutron total scattering study of the delta and beta phases of Bi2O3
Bond valence sum: a new soft chemical constraint for RMCProfile
Conduction and disorder in Y3NbO7 - Zr2Y2O7
Cation composition effects on oxide conductivity in the Zr2Y2O7-Y3NbO7 system
Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of oxide-ion disorder in the delta-Bi2O3
New high temperature gas flow cell developed at ISIS
Oxide-Ion Disorder Within the High Temperature delta Phase of Bi2O3
Oxygen vacancy ordering within anion-deficient Ceria
Local structure and ionic conductivity in the Zr2Y2O7-Y3NbO7 system
The langbeinite type Rb2TiY(PO4)(3)
K-site splitting in KTiOPO4 at room temperature
Structural models for intergrowth structures in the phase system Al2O3-TiO2
Redetermination of beta-Al2TiO5 obtained by melt casting
Al6Ti2O13, a new phase in the Al2O3-TiO2 system
Nonlinear Optical Materials Structural Studies of Alkali Titanium Phosphates
Dopant inclusion and isomorphism of KTP : a nonlinear optical material
KSbO(Ge0.32Si0.68)O-4, a KTP isomorph
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