Erik Styhr Petersen

Showing 8 publications


Engineering usability

Erik Styhr Petersen
Doctoral thesis

Interacting with Classic Design Engineering

Erik Styhr Petersen, Jim Nyce, Margareta Lützhöft
Interacting with Computers. Vol. 27 (4), p. 440-457
Journal article

Usability Heuristics: Friend or Foe in Maritime Navigation Instrument Design?

Erik Styhr Petersen, Thomas Porathe, Margareta Lützhöft
Proceedings of ISIS 2011, Hamburg, Germany.
Other conference contribution

Making the Phantom Real: A Case of Applied Maritime Human Factors

Erik Styhr Petersen, Kjeld Dittman, Margareta Lützhöft
Proceedings of SNAME SOME 2010
Paper in proceeding

Ethnography re-engineered: the two tribes problem

Erik Styhr Petersen, Jim Nyce, Margareta Lützhöft
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. Vol. 12 (6), p. 496-509
Journal article

Epistemology in ethnography: assessing the quality of knowledge in human factors research

Margareta Lützhöft, Jim Nyce, Erik Styhr Petersen
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. Vol. 11 (6), p. 532-545
Journal article

A Human Factors Approach to the Design of Maritime Software Applications

Erik Styhr Petersen, Margareta Lützhöft
RINA Human Factors in Ship Design & Operation, p. 89-96
Paper in proceeding

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