Per G. Sundell
Showing 13 publications
Using Neutron Spin-Echo To Investigate Proton Dynamics in Proton-Conducting Perovskites
Density-functional calculations of prefactors and activation energies for H diffusion in BaZrO3
Effect of acceptor dopants on the proton mobility in BaZrO3: A density functional investigation
Quantum aspects of hydrogen in metals and oxides from density-functional calculations
Vibrational Properties of Protons in Hydrated BaInxZr1-xO3-x/2
Hydrogen tunneling on a metal surface: A density-functional study of H and D atoms on Cu(001)
Quantum motion of hydrogen on Cu(001) using first-principles calculations
A first-principles study of quantum behavior of hydrogen in bulk metals and on metal surfaces
Self-trapping and diffusion of hydrogen in Nb and Ta from first principles
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