Susanne Reinsbach

Research Specialist at Systems and Synthetic Biology

Image of Susanne Reinsbach

Showing 4 publications


Proteogenomics decodes the evolution of human ipsilateral breast cancer

Tommaso De Marchi, Paul Theodor Pyl, Martin Sjöström et al
Communications Biology. Vol. 6 (1)
Journal article

Integrated Genomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Improves Disease Classification and Risk Stratification of MDS with Ring Sideroblasts

Gabriele Todisco, Maria Creignou, Elsa Bernard et al
Clinical Cancer Research. Vol. 29 (20), p. 4256-4267
Journal article

Metabolic Characterization of Plasma and Cyst Fluid from Cystic Precursors to Pancreatic Cancer Patients Reveal Metabolic Signatures of Bacterial Infection

Ann Morgell, Julie A. Reisz, Zeeshan Ateeb et al
Journal of Proteome Research. Vol. 20 (5), p. 2725-2738
Journal article

Human MAIT cells endowed with HBV specificity are cytotoxic and migrate towards HBV-HCC while retaining antimicrobial functions

Katie Healy, Andrea Pavesi, Tiphaine Parrot et al
JHEP Reports. Vol. 3 (4)
Journal article

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