Jacob Sznajdman

Showing 7 publications


The Briacon-Skoda Number of Analytic Irreducable Planar Curves

Jacob Sznajdman
Annales de lInstitut Fourier. Vol. 64 (1), p. 177-187
Journal article

A residue calculus approach to the uniform Artin-Rees lemma

Jacob Sznajdman
Israel Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 196 (1), p. 33-50
Journal article

Lovasz θ, SVMs and applications

Vinay Jethava, Jacob Sznajdman, C. Bhattacharyya et al
2013 IEEE Information Theory Workshop - ITW 2013, Seville, Spain, 9-13 September 2013, p. 1-5
Paper in proceeding

An analytic approach to Briancon-Skoda type theorems

Jacob Sznajdman
Doctoral thesis

An elementary proof of the Briancon-Skoda theorem

Jacob Sznajdman
Ann. fac. sci. Toulouse. Vol. Ser. 6, Vol. 19 (3-4), p. 11-
Journal article

On the Briancon-Skoda theorem on a singular variety

Mats Andersson, Håkan Samuelsson Kalm, Jacob Sznajdman
Annales de lInstitut Fourier. Vol. 60 (2), p. 417-432
Journal article

Some Analytic generalizations of the Briancon-Skoda Theorem

Jacob Sznajdman
Licentiate thesis

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