Tobias Nilsson
Showing 42 publications
Obtaining Local-Tie Vectors from Short-Baseline Interferometry
Impact of atmospheric turbulence on geodetic very long baseline interferometry
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Analysis Center
Evaluation of climate models using ground-based GNSS observations
An Assessment of Atmospheric Turbulence for CONT05 and CONT08
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center
Progress Report of the IVS VLBI2010 Committee
Atmospheric VLBI: A method to validate long time series of water vapour content
Design Aspects of the VLBI2010 System
Using ground-based GPS to characterize atmospheric turbulence
Validation of climate models using European ground-based GNSS observations
Modeling Tropospheric Delays with Atmospheric Turbulence Models
The impact of the electromagnetic environment of the antenna on GPS
Measuring and modelling variations in the distribution of atmospheric water vapour using GPS
The IVS Analysis Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Recent Progress in the VLBI2010 Development
Long-term trends in the atmospheric water vapor content estimated from ground-based GPS data
Improving GNSS tropospheric tomography by better knowledge of atmospheric turbulence
Simulations of atmospheric path delays using turbulence models
The IVS Technology Development Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
The IVS Analysis Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Temporal correlations of atmospheric mapping function errors in GPS data analysis
Water vapour tomography using GPS phase observations: Results from the ESCOMPTE experiment
Measurements of Atmospheric Scintillations Induced by Water Vapor
Estimating Climate Trends Using GPS
Water Vapor Tomography Using GPS Phase Observations: Simulation Results
The IVS Technology Development Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
The IVS Technology Development Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Assessment of Tomographic Methods for Estimation of Atmospheric Water Vapor Using Ground-Based GPS
Correlations Between Slant Wet Delays Measured by Microwave Radiometry
Estimating the 3D Structure of the Atmospheric Water Vapor using GPS Phase Observations
Estimating the 3D Structure of the Atmospheric Water Vapor using GPS Phase Observations
Correlations Between Slant Wet Delays Measured by Microwave Radiometry
GPS Tomography Using Phase Observations
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