John Tumpane

Showing 11 publications


Thermodynamic Aspects of DNA Nanoconstruct Stability and Design

Peter Sandin, John Tumpane, Karl Börjesson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 113 (15), p. 5941-5946
Journal article

Membrane-Anchored DNA Assembly for Energy and Electron Transfer

Karl Börjesson, John Tumpane, Thomas Ljungdahl et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 131 (8), p. 2831-2839
Journal article

Alignment of carbon nanotubes in weak magnetic fields

John Tumpane, N. Karousis, N. Tagmatarchis et al
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Vol. 47 (28), p. 5148-5152
Journal article

A membrane anchored DNA-based energy/electron transfer assembly

Karl Börjesson, John Tumpane, Thomas Ljungdahl et al
Nucleic acids symposium series (2004) (52), p. 691-691
Journal article

Addressable molecular node assembly - high information density DNA nanostructures

Erik Lundberg, John Tumpane, R. Kumar et al
Nucleic acids symposium series (2004) (52), p. 683-684
Journal article

Addressable molecular node assembly--functional DNA nanostructures.

John Tumpane, Erik Lundberg, Marcus Wilhelmsson et al
Nucleic acids symposium series (2004) (52), p. 97-98
Journal article

Addressable high-information-density DNA nanostructures

John Tumpane, Peter Sandin, R. Kumar et al
Chemical Physics Letters. Vol. 440 (1-3), p. 125-129
Journal article

Template-directed oligonucleotide strand ligation, covalent intramolecular DNA circularization and catenation using click chemistry

R. Kumar, Afaf El-Sagheer, John Tumpane et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 129 (21), p. 6859-6864
Journal article

Triplex addressability as a basis for functional DNA nanostructures

John Tumpane, R. Kumar, Erik Lundberg et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 7 (12), p. 3832-3839
Journal article

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