Silvia Tuzi

Showing 8 publications


Oxidation of Alloy X-750 with Low Iron Content in Simulated BWR Environment

Silvia Tuzi, Marta Krystyna Stiller, Mattias Thuvander
Journal of Nuclear Engineering. Vol. 4 (4), p. 711-722
Journal article

0.3-14 and 16-28 GHz Wide-Bandwidth Cryogenic MMIC Low-Noise Amplifiers

Eunjung Cha, Niklas Wadefalk, Per Ake Nilsson et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 66 (11), p. 4860-4869
Journal article

On the effect of preoxidation of nickel alloy X-750

Silvia Tuzi, Kenneth Göransson, Fang Liu et al
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series. Vol. Part F11, p. 407-416
Paper in proceeding

Corrosion of pre-oxidized nickel alloy X-750 in simulated BWR environment

Silvia Tuzi, Haiping Lai, Kenneth Göransson et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 486 (1 April), p. 350-360
Journal article

Cryogenic W-band LNA for ALMA band 2+3 with average noise temperature of 24 K

Yulung Tang, Niklas Wadefalk, J. Kooi et al
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p. 176-179
Paper in proceeding

Oxide evolution on Alloy X-750 in simulated BWR environment

Silvia Tuzi, Kenneth Göransson, Seikh Mohammad Habibur Rahman et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 482, p. 19-27
Journal article

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