Vishnu Arumughan
Showing 13 publications
Specific ion effects on lignin adsorption and transport through cellulose confinements
Anion-Specific Adsorption of Carboxymethyl Cellulose on Cellulose
Fundamental aspects of the non-covalent modification of cellulose via polymer adsorption
N2O–Assisted Siphon Foaming of Modified Galactoglucomannans With Cellulose Nanofibers
Prototype gastro-resistant soft gelatin films and capsules-imaging and performance in vitro
Nanocellulose-Based Membranes for Water Purification
Robust superhydrophobic cellulose nanofiber aerogel for multifunctional environmental applications
Nanolignocellulose extracted from environmentally undesired prosopis juliflora
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