Claudia Rivera

Showing 19 publications


NO2 fluxes from Tijuana using a mobile mini-DOAS during Cal-Mex 2010

Claudia Rivera, H. Barrera, M. Grutter et al
Atmospheric Environment. Vol. 70, p. 532-539
Journal article

Evaluations of NOx and highly reactive VOC emission inventories in Texas and their implications for ozone plume simulations during the Texas Air Quality Study 2006

S. W. Kim, S. A. McKeen, G. J. Frost et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 11 (22), p. 11361-11386
Journal article

Quantification of NO2 and SO2 emissions from the Houston Ship Channel and Texas City industrial areas during the 2006 Texas Air Quality Study

Claudia Rivera, Johan Mellqvist, Jerker Samuelsson et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 115
Journal article

Measurements of industrial emissions of alkenes in Texas using the solar occultation flux method

Johan Mellqvist, Jerker Samuelsson, John Johansson et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 115
Journal article

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission rates of Masaya and San Cristóbal volcano (Nicaragua) during 2009 inferred from stationary and mobile mini-DOAS measurements within the NOVAC project

A Muñoz, J Álvarez, A. Morales et al
6th Cities on Volcanoes Abstracts, Tenerife, Spain, June 2010
Conference poster

Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change (NOVAC)-A global network for volcanic gas monitoring: Network layout and instrument description

Bo Galle, Mattias Erik Johansson, Claudia Rivera et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 115 (D5), p. Art. no. D05304-
Journal article

Mobile mini-DOAS measurement of the outflow of NO2 and HCHO from Mexico City

Mattias Erik Johansson, Claudia Rivera, Benjamin de Foy et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 9, p. 5647-5653
Journal article

Tula industrial complex (Mexico) emissions of SO2 and NO2 during the MCMA 2006 field campaign using a mobile mini-DOAS system

Claudia Rivera, Gustavo Sosa, Henry Wöhrnschimmel et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 9, p. 6351-6361
Journal article

Halogen oxide measurements at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua using active long path differential optical absorption spectroscopy

Christoph Kern, Holger Sihler, Leif Vogel et al
Bulletin of Volcanology. Vol. 71, p. 659-670
Journal article

Tomographic reconstruction of gas plumes using scanning DOAS

Mattias Erik Johansson, Bo Galle, Claudia Rivera et al
Bulletin of Volcanology. Vol. 71 (10), p. 1169-1178
Journal article

Airborne Measurements of Ethene from Industrial Sources Using Laser Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy

J. A. De Gouw, S. T. L. Hekkert, Johan Mellqvist et al
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 43 (7), p. 2437-2442
Journal article

The Dual-Beam mini-DOAS technique - measurements of volcanic gas emission, plume height and plume speed with a single instrument

Mattias Erik Johansson, Bo Galle, Yan Zhang et al
Bulletin of Volcanology. Vol. 71, p. 747-751
Journal article

Validation of optical remote sensing measurement strategies applied to industrial gas emissions

Claudia Rivera, Jose Antonio García, Bo Galle et al
International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 30 (12), p. 3191-3204
Journal article

SO2 emissions from Popocatépetl volcano: emission rates and plume imaging using optical remote sensing techniques

M. Grutter, R. Basaldud, Claudia Rivera et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 8, p. 6655-6663
Journal article

Anomalous emissions of SO2 during the recent eruption of Santa Ana volcano, El Salvador, Central America

R. Olmos, J. Barrancos, Claudia Rivera et al
Pure and Applied Geophysics. Vol. 164 (12), p. 2489-2506
Journal article

Understanding eruptive behavior by coupling SO2 emission and seismicity data at Popocatépetl volcano (México)

Claudia Rivera, Bo Galle, H. Delgado Granados et al
Cities on Volcanoes IV, Quito, 23-27 January, 2006
Conference poster

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