Weizhen Zhu

Showing 9 publications


Predictions of Pair Interaction Potentials between Kraft Lignin Macromolecules in Black Liquors by Utilization of a Modified Poisson−Boltzmann Approach

Tor Sewring, Weizhen Zhu, Maria Sedin et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 58 (8), p. 3427-3439
Journal article

Lignin separation from kraft black liquor by combined ultrafiltration and precipitation: a study of solubility of lignin with different molecular properties

Weizhen Zhu, Gunnar Westman, Hans Theliander
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 31 (2), p. 270-278
Journal article

Estimation of the deprotonation degree of phenolic groups on kraft lignin

Tor Sewring, Weizhen Zhu, Maria Sedin et al
NWBC 2015 - 6th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, p. 442-449
Paper in proceeding

Precipitation of lignin from softwood black liquor: An investigation of the equilibrium and molecular properties of lignin

Weizhen Zhu, Hans Theliander
BioResources. Vol. 10 (1), p. 1696-1714
Journal article

The molecular properties and carbohydrate content of lignins precipitated from black liquor

Weizhen Zhu, Gunnar Westman, Hans Theliander
Holzforschung. Vol. 69 (2), p. 143-152
Journal article

Investigation and Characterization of Lignin Precipitation in the LignoBoost Process

Weizhen Zhu, Gunnar Westman, Hans Theliander
Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. Vol. 34 (2), p. 77-97
Journal article

Equilibrium of lignin precipitation

Weizhen Zhu, Hans Theliander
16th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry - Proceedings, ISWFPC, Tianjin; 8 June 2011 through 10 June 2011. Vol. 1, p. 195-199
Paper in proceeding

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