Nanny Wermuth
Showing 28 publications
Total Positivity In Markov Structures
Explicit, identical maximum likelihood estimates for some cyclic Gaussian and cyclic Ising models
Pairwise Markov properties for regression graphs
Palindromic bernoulli distributions
Graphical Markov Models: Overview
Star graphs induce tetrad correlations: for Gaussian as well as for binary variables
Binary distributions of concentric rings
Comment: Are Marginal Models Needed?
Concepts and a case study for a flexible class of graphical markov models
Sequences of regressions and their independences
Rejoinder on: Sequences of regressions and their independences
Probability distributions with summary graph structure
Changing Parameters by Partial Mappings
Matrix representations and independencies in directed acyclic graphs
Triangular systems for symmetric binary variables
Distortion of effects caused by indirect confounding
Some interpretational issues connected with observational studies
Einführung in statistische Analysen; Fragen beantworten mit Hilfe von Daten
Preface, Celebrating Statistics
Partial inversion for linear systems and partial closure of independence graphs
Statistics for Studies of Human Welfare
On the identification of path analysis models with one hidden variable
Joint response graphs and separation induced by triangular systems
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