Joakim Wigström

Showing 8 publications


Structure-activity relationship of graphene-related materials: A meta-analysis based on mammalian in vitro toxicity data

Daina Romeo, Chrysovalanto Louka, Berenice Gudino et al
NanoImpact. Vol. 28
Journal article

Counting the number of enzymes immobilized onto a nanoparticle-coated electrode

Jenny Bergman, Yuanmo Wang, Joakim Wigström et al
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 410 (6), p. 1775-1783
Journal article

Lithographic Microfabrication of a 16-Electrode Array on a Probe Tip for High Spatial Resolution Electrochemical Localization of Exocytosis

Joakim Wigström, Johan Dunevall, Neda Najafinobar et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 88 (4), p. 2080-2087
Journal article

New Electrochemical Tools to Study Exocytosis

Joakim Wigström
Doctoral thesis

Millisecond Time Resolved Electrochemical Detection of Non-Electroactive Neurotransmitter Release

Ann-Sofie Cans, Jacqueline Keighron, Michael Kurczy et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 108 (2), p. 481A-481A
Other conference contribution

Amperometric Detection of Single Vesicle Acetylcholine Release Events from an Artificial Cell

Jacqueline Keighron, Joakim Wigström, Michael Kurczy et al
ACS Chemical Neuroscience. Vol. 6 (1), p. 181-188
Journal article

Characterizing the Catecholamine Content of Single Mammalian Vesicles by Collision-Adsorption Events at an Electrode

Johan Dunevall, Hoda Mashadi Fathali, Neda Najafinobar et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 137 (13), p. 4344-4346
Journal article

Electrochemcial Detection of Acetylcholine using Enzyme Functionalized Nanoparticles

Jacqueline Keighron, Michael Kurczy, Joakim Wigström et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 106 (2), p. 416A-416A
Magazine article

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