Xiaodong Wang

Showing 6 publications


Metamorphic InGaAs quanum wells for light emission at 1.3 – 1.6 µm

Shu Min Wang, Ivar Tangring, Qinfen Gu et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 515 (10), p. 4348-4351
Journal article

GaAs based 1.3 µm quantum well lasers grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Shu Min Wang, Yongqiang Wei, Ivar Tangring et al
MBE China 2007, Nanchang, China, October 2007 (invited)
Paper in proceeding

State-of-the-art GaInNAs quantum wells and 1.3 µm lasers grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Shu Min Wang, Yongqiang Wei, Qing Xiang Zhao et al
the 14th European Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop, Sierra Nevada, Spain, 2007 (keynote invited talk)
Paper in proceeding

12. Long-Wavelength InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Well Lasers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Yongqiang Wei, Shu Min Wang, Xiaodong Wang et al
Magazine article

6. Direct Comparison of Threshold and Gain Characteristics of 1300 nm GaInNAs lasers with GaNAs and GaAs Barriers

Yongqiang Wei, Ying Fu, Xiaodong Wang et al
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. Vol. 87 (8), p. 081102-
Magazine article

Direct Comparison of Threshold and Gain Characteristics of 1300 nm GaInNAs lasers with GaNAs and GaAs Barriers

Yongqiang Wei, Ying Fu, Xiaodong Wang et al
CLEO-/EUROPE-EQEC 2005, Muchen, Germany
Paper in proceeding

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