Xiao Qin

Arvoderad at Materials and manufacture

Xiao Qin is a PhD student at the division of Materials and Manufacture since December 2021. His research work is mainly focused on prevention of austenitic stainless steel from hydrogen embrittlement by surface engineering approach.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 5 publications


Microstructure and texture evolutions in FeCrAl cladding tube during pilger processing

Xiao Qin, Ruiqian Zhang, Peinan Du et al
Journal of Materials Research and Technology. Vol. 25, p. 5506-5519
Journal article

Recrystallization and texture evolution of cold pilgered FeCrAl cladding tube during annealing at 700 °C∼1000 °C

Xiao Qin, Ruiqian Zhang, Peinan Du et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 577
Journal article

Recrystallization and texture evolution of warm-pilgered FeCrAl alloy tube during annealing at 850°C

Xiao Qin, Zhe Liu, Huiqun Liu et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 562
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Prevention of austenitic stainless steel from hydrogen embrittlement in hydrogen fuel cell by surface engineering

Yu Cao Materials and manufacture
Xiao Qin Materials and manufacture

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