Fredrik Lindahl

Showing 4 publications


An Online Community for Oral Medicine Supporting Structured Case Entry

Marie Gustafsson, Fredrik Lindahl, Falkman Göran et al
Poster and Software Demonstration Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe 2006
Conference poster

Enabling an Online Community for Sharing Oral Medicine Cases Using Semantic Web Technologies

Marie Gustafsson, Göran Falkman, Fredrik Lindahl et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 4237 (2), p. 820-832
Journal article

mGen - An Open Source Framework for Generating Clinical Documents

Fredrik Lindahl, Olof Torgersson
Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics: Proceedings of MIE2005 - The XIXth International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics, p. 107-112
Paper in proceeding

Designing a Multi-Layered Image Viewer

Linn Gustafsson Christiernin, Fredrik Lindahl, Olof Torgersson
NordiCHI '04: Proceedings of the third Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction. Vol. 82, p. 181-184
Paper in proceeding

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