Szilard Nemes

Showing 5 publications


Pond-based survey of amphibians in a Saxon cultural landscape from Transylvania (Romania)

T. Hartel, K. Oellerer, D. Cogalniceanu et al
Italian Journal of Zoology. Vol. 77 (1), p. 61-70
Journal article

Pond and landscape determinants of Rana dalmatina population sizes in a Romanian rural landscape

Tibor Hartel, Szilard Nemes, Dan Cogalniceanu et al
Acta Oecologica. Vol. 35 (1), p. 53-59
Journal article

Two-scale modelling of Saponaria bellidifolia Sm. (Caryophyllaceae) abundance on limestone outcrops from its northern range periphery (Southeastern Carpathians)

Anna-Maria Csergoe, Szilard Nemes, Dan Gafta et al
Plant Ecology. Vol. 203 (2), p. 229-242
Journal article

The effect of fish and aquatic habitat complexity on amphibians

Tibor Hartel, Szilard Nemes, Dan Cogalniceanu et al
Hydrobiologia. Vol. 583, p. 173-182
Journal article

Assessing the effect of toe clipping on the yellow bellied toads

T. Hartel, Szilard Nemes
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Vol. 52 (4), p. 359-366
Journal article

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