Zhong-Jian Yang

Showing 9 publications


Directional Light Extinction and Emission in a Metasurface of Tilted Plasmonic Nanopillars

Ruggero Verre, Mikael Svedendahl, Nils Odebo Länk et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 16 (1), p. 98-104
Journal article

Role of material loss and mode volume of plasmonic nanocavities for strong plasmon-exciton interactions

Zhong-Jian Yang, Tomasz Antosiewicz, Timur Shegai
Optics Express. Vol. 24 (18), p. 20373-20381
Journal article

Dimer-on-mirror SERS substrates with attogram sensitivity fabricated by colloidal lithography

Aron Hakonen, Mikael Svedendahl, Robin Ogier et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 7 (21), p. 9405-9410
Journal article

Ultimate Limit of Light Extinction by Nanophotonic Structures

Zhong-Jian Yang, Tomasz Antosiewicz, Ruggero Verre et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 15 (11), p. 7633-7638
Journal article

Plasmon Enhanced Internal Photoemission in Antenna-Spacer-Mirror Based Au/TiO2 Nanostructures

Yurui Fang, Yang Jiao, Kunli Xiong et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 15 (6), p. 4059-4065
Journal article

Optical Magnetism and Plasmonic Fano Resonances in Metal Insulator-Metal Oligomers

Ruggero Verre, Zhong-Jian Yang, Timur Shegai et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 15 (3), p. 1952-1958
Journal article

Gold Nanorod Rotary Motors Driven by Resonant Light Scattering

Lei Shao, Zhong-Jian Yang, Daniel Andrén et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 9 (12), p. 12542-12551
Journal article

Coherent Energy Transfers between Orthogonal Radiant and Weakly Radiant Plasmonic Nanorod Resonators

Zhong-Jian Yang
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 119 (46), p. 26079-26085
Journal article

Plasmonic Fano resonances in metallic nanorod complexes

Zhong-Jian Yang, Z. Hao, H. Lin et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 6 (10), p. 4985-4997
Journal article

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